
Showing posts from September, 2016

[THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE] Blog #2: Shared knowledge on different perspectives

"By participating in the ownership of shared knowledge an individual belongs to a particular group possessing a particular perspective on the world" (TOK guide) Shared knowledge is defined as the knowledge you receive from different Areas of Knowledge. This may come from your studies in school, the activities you do outside of school and other social ventures we are apart of. This type of knowledge is unique to every person who are attending different events to obtain their portion of knowledge that come from a variety of areas of the world. Shared knowledge defines who we are because we use terms that we have learned in each of our Area of Knowledge that we have come across and may only be used in some of these Areas. But some of these areas can help us view the world on a different perspective. We obtain shared knowledge from different people. This knowledge is stored in our minds. When we see things, we say things to ourselves such as "Why are my feelings hurt?&

[ENGLISH] HELP! My mom speaks broken English.

English is a very wide spoken language on Earth. A lot of people use English to communicate with people in English-Speaking countries or people who are able to speak the language to a degree. Some people are able to speak it with a plethora of vocabulary but some lack in that area of knowledge. These ‘second language’ speakers can speak English but not to the capability of a person who can speak like the Queen. Language purists HATE them because they do not like the way they ‘butcher’ the language. This is reasonable but you can’t hate them just because they don’t have the same vocabulary capacity as you do. These purists judge their intelligence based on their English proficiency. Well, I am here to prove the purists wrong. These people have a unique personal language identity that can shape other people’s identities that are around you. A writer, Amy Tan, wrote an essay about her experience growing up with English as her ‘second language’.  One of the people who wholly contribut

[ENGLISH] A Good Name -Analysis to my real name

Our view of the world is shaped with the help of the people around us. This molds our identity and it solidifies over time. But some of these identities stick with us since birth and (will probably) not be changed throughout the course of our lives. One of these identities is our names. We get our names from our parents who are influenced by their surroundings. Names are unique depending on where you come from.   My full name is Azim Masrizki Baruno.  In Indonesia, the majority of the population consists of Muslims. Islam takes part in a daily life of a Muslim Indonesian. These influences have influenced in naming me. Azim comes from the word Al-Azim which translates to The Great One in Arabic. The name Al-Azim comes from the 99 names of God. This is a part of my religion. It defines as the Beautiful Names that describes God. We use these names to praise God, to thank him and to seek forgiveness to him. The 99 names of God is commonly used and seen in many Islamic countries. These n

[ENGLISH] Not all Asians are smart

A lot of people see Asians as a stereotypically supreme intelligent race. We are viewed as the smart ones. But this stereotype has been overused and people think that this is actually true. But I am here to tell you that not all Asians are smart. We are as smart as everyone else in the world. I have gathered evidence (in the form of videos) for my hypothesis as to why Asians aren’t as smart as you think. Firstly, the education standard in Asia (such as India, China, Korea, etc.) are very high and the community expects you to to be the best of the best. With this type of environment everyone is expected to be the best of the best and they do. They are even willing to pay for extra classes during the weekend. I heard from someone that the average mark for a test in China is 90%. This proves that the strictness that revolves around the high school life of a typical Asian pays off (but only if you made the average mark). Meanwhile in the USA(for example), the education standard co

[ENGLISH] Self Interview: All About Me

I have made this self interview to Introduce myself to the the world. I have also included information such as my address and social security number for the stalkers. Facts are correct at the time of publishing. Without further ado... Self Interview: All About Me Oh Yeah! Lets get started.

[THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE] The Problem With Knowledge

Knowledge is the facts and information that we receive from experience or education. Knowledge makes us know about the world. Knowledge is the key to our survival. But everything in the world is not perfect. Even Knowledge. All of the things we know about the world are not true. SO how do we know what we know? One example of the problem with knowledge is maps. Maps are used to present how the worlds looks like in a flat surface. The purpose of maps was primarily for navigation. During the Age of Discovery, European cartographers started to create maps for these voyagers. One of the first (and most popular) maps were the Mercator projection map. The Mercator projection map was made by a European cartographer Gerardus Mercator. It was made in the 1500s for those travellers. This map retains the shape of the landmass but distorts its shape and area of the map as a landmass reaches near the poles of the Earth. This map is not perfect. We can assume that this map was biased toward